1. Best way to promote a new TV show? Unsurprising to anyone who has kept an eye on marketing trends in recent years, getting influencers on board is key to driving positive interest amongst your target viewers. Nielsen’s new measurement metric, Social Content Ratings, suggests that 60% of all discussions of a TV show comes as a response to celebrity talents’ engagement. This influencer engagement generates more buzz than the program and network accounts combined. So if you are looking for ways to get your TV campaign trending on social, the top priority should be getting the stars talking about it!
2. There’s an endless appetite for the on-demand streaming giants and, going by recent growth reports, the Scandinavian market is no exception. However, this hasn’t put a stop to illegal options, at least not according to recent research by MMS. While Swedes are increasingly turning to Netflix, Viaplay and HBO Nordic for their favourite films and series, illegal torrent websites are used by 20% of the Swedish population. The criminals behind these services have long been able to hide behind sophisticated computer code, but new police sanctions look set to lead to more arrests. Only last month, eight US men faced charges over illegal streaming sites they claimed offered more content than Netflix.
3. The length of pre-movie trailers in the theatre before the film starts divided Twitter last week after a survey showed that 59% of moviegoers prefer to watch three trailers or less. Some users took to Twitter to proclaim their love of the trailer experience, while others showed their support for a more curtailed start, referencing excessive advertising. Fortunately, contrary to widespread assumption, the films themselves are not getting any longer plus, of course, there’s always the option to just rock-up late. So what do you think? Are you #teamtrailers or #teamstarttheshow?
4. Moviegoers are indeed a diverse bunch and predicting their preferences has always proved challenging for film studios. Before the studios know whether or not to invest in a particular script, they need an understanding of audiences’ likes and dislikes to help gauge the appetite for the story. Thanks to machine learning and AI, studios can now map out customer segments at a granular level. Click through to read about the step-by-step process and how it’s used by big players, such as 20th Century Fox, to forecast audience behaviour.
5. In debates about the impact of social media on politics, so-called filter bubbles are often mentioned. In short, these filter bubbles are generated by personalised search algorithms which decide what internet users can see online, creating a unique universe of information for each individual. Experts have condemned these practices, warning of polarised societies where each side never gets exposed to opposing viewpoints. According to a recent article, this ‘self-siloing’ has now spread to the entertainment industry, where the content created by media companies increasingly falls into one of two polarised types: long-form (think Netflix series) versus short-form pieces (think GIFs and memes) of content. As always, the driver is to maximise profits and “normal” duration/middle-form entertainment (think music videos) is no longer where the money is at. What the long term effect of this trend will be on entertainment and consumers is a case of wait and see.
Last but not least, we’re absolutely thrilled to announce
we’ve been shortlisted for
Workingmum’s Top Employer Award 2019.
Stay tuned!
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